Sunday, September 19, 2010

I've become "that" mom

Yep, I've become "that" mom.... I've decided to start a blog. Maybe it's because a few friends of mine have blogs and I thoroughly enjoy reading them (Sara, Kristi, Abbie) or maybe it's because I've always enjoyed writing.... regardless, when it comes down to it, I want my family to be able to see and read about our life in Winneconne. It may only be an hour away from my parents and two hours away from my sisters, but it may as well be an entire state away. When most of my nieces came along, I didn't have my own child yet, so I was able to see them often and not miss much of their first few years. Now we don't see each other very often and I want them to be part of Molly's life, even if it's via internet. So, here's my feeble attempt at trying this out.... bear with me....
Molly getting ready for the cold weather

1 comment:

  1. Megan this is such a great idea and thank you for doing this. I look forward to seeing you update this! :) (Auntie Erin)


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